Maharashtra Tourism
Know about various options of staying in at Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

Kolhapur Accommodation


Kolhapur is always flooded with visitors. So, one can find good ranges of hotels here. There are hotels ranging from budget to upper end. There is a place in the city where main hotels are concentrated. It is only 10 to 15 minutes distance from the centre of town.


Kolhapur is a city of aficionados of good food. Kolhapur is famous for its spicy hot food. Almost all dishes are prepared with Sankeshwari or Lavangi chillies. Kolhapur offers Maharashtrian thali with pleasure, which is always a food lover's delight. It might be too hot for the first-timers, so it is advisable to go easy on the chillies.

Misal (a mixture of cooked pulses) and mutton rassa (gravy) are the local delicacies. One can also try the rich, creamy milk from Kolhapur and the delicious jaggery and semi-solid hot kakavi, which is, processed sugarcane juice. The restaurants are situated near the bus stand.