The jewellery of Kolhapur, particularly the kolhapuri saaj, is very popular among the womenfolk of Marashtra.

Most of the Maharashtrian jewelleries are derived from the legacies of Maratha and Peshwa dynasties. Kolhapur is famous for its special type of necklace called Kolhapur saaj. This jewellery is very much special for Maharashtrian women. Har and malas, mohanmal, bormal, chaplahar, kolhapuri saaj, pohehar and putlihar are the jewelleries that are made in Kolhapur. These names are derived from the peculiar shapes of the jewelleries. Thushi, a choker with closely bound tiny gold beads, is very popular in Kolhapur.
Patlya (two broad bangles), Bangdya (four simple bangles) and Tode (two finely carved thick bangles) are hand wear ornaments for the women of Maharashtra. Chinchpeti (choker), Tanmani (short necklace) and Nath (nose ring) are the ornaments making with a combination of pearls and red and white stones. Another jewellery called bajuband (the amulet) is also a favorite. Flower-shaped earrings are very popular amongst Maharastrian women.