Shrirama Rathotsava Mandir, which belongs to the Peshwa period, is located near Jalgaon, Maharashtra. Shrirama Rathotsava Fair is celebrated annually in this temple between October and November months to give a special veneration to the deities.
Images of Rama, Laxmana and Sita are carried in a palanquin to the Girna River for a bath on the festival day. The images are then decorated with ornaments and garlands. Although, devotees visiting the temple on the festival days are mostly from Jalgaon and nearby areas, nearly 25,000 people visit the temple during the fair. Appa Maharaj, a devotee built the auditorium and seating room about 70-80 years back with the financial help of his disciples to develop the temple as a shrine.
Jalgaon is well connected by train and road. There are number of hotels at Jalgaon for accommodation.
Shrirama Rathotsava Fair is an important event of Jalgaon town in maharashtra.